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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 15, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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dogs. don't forget there is a great cause. >> steve: listen, thank you for joining us on this very special friday. ali will be back here tomorrow. we'll see you on monday, everybody. >> alisyn: thanks so much. have a great weekend. news alert. a major security change for the united states. the pentagon looks to protect us from a potential north korean missile strike. how real is this? good morning, everybody, i'm bill hemmer. welcome to the friday edition of "america's newsroom.". good morning, martha. martha: good morning. i'm martha maccallum. fox news has learned that the pentagon plans to beef up our defense system, adding up to 14 more missile interceptors placed in alaska and california. we'll show that you in a second. comes after weeks of north korea blustering once again against the united states and they have also conducted a third nuclear test now. bill: molly henneberg leading our coverage, she is live in washington picking up on this.
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why do we know the problem was stopped initially, molly? >> reporter: good morning bill, good morning, martha. president obama halted the program in 2009 saying there were more pressing issues from evolving rogue states and money needed to be spent elsewhere. now that is changing. a senior pentagon official hinted at the decision last week just days after north korea threaten ad preemptive nuclear strike on the u.s. president obama recently weighed in on the issue of north korea. >> north korea is so isolated. is so dysfunctional that, you know, in some ways it was harder to apply pressure sure on them? >> reporter: now the new missile interceptors go into california and alaska. bill: this is a bit of reverseal of a decision. what is the cost to taxpayers because of it, molly. >> reporter: some representatives say the stop and restart of the program
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even more than if the program was allowed to continue in 2009 mainly price of taken maining missiles, keeping them and restoring them has gone up. here's more. >> we are trying to play catch-up to the tune of some i believe 240, $250 million to get those first response deterrent factors back up to fort greely alaska. and to the west coast. >> at a time we don't have much money. >> we have to borrow from china, friends ever north korea and so we defend ourselves from north korea. that is schizophrenic foreign policy. >> reporter: follows sanctions by the u.s. and u.n. on north korea. bill: they're doing it for a reason. molly henneberg, live from washington starting our coverage. martha continues right now. martha: let's take a closer look at north korea's nuclear test. the north conducted three nuclear tests reportedly gaining the capability back in 2006. the leaders there are threatening a fourth test now. estimates suggest that their arsenal has enough weaponized plutonium to
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build eight nuclear bombs. the country's ruler with his fingers on the trigger at this point, the younger new leader that is there, kim jong-un, basically is part of the family that has controlled north korea since 1948. bill, let's look at what these things can do. bill: you really do not know what the intention is here on behalf of pongyang especially when you look attesting they have done over past few months. china to the west, russia to the north. south korea and japan to the east. just in the past ten days or so, advance it one time, the armistice that was in place since 1953 is called in question on behalf of the north. will the new young leader act on behalf of the armistice and create a more aggressive environment? that's what we're waiting to see here. we have the advanced way to show you the new missile the united states government believe north korea has. this is ground-based on
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behalf of the system on behalf of the u.s. could theoretically intercept at a range of 3,000 miles off the western coast of the united states and off canada there. if you believe all the intelligence we're picking up, martha, you have a range here of north korea that could extend some 6,000 miles. if that is the case, whether it is anchorage or los angeles or even las vegas could be in range. that is part of the reason why you're seeing so much concern. martha: this change in our posture. so north korea is claiming it is under attack by hackers. leaders in pongyang are blaming the united states and south korea for daily cyber attacks on their servers. north korea describes the attacks as intensive and persistent. welcome to the new world, right? let's look at this for you now. a live look at day two of the annual cpac meeting that is going on near washington where right now senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is on the dais he is speaking. we'll keep a close eye on all the speakers this morning. we expect to hear from some
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of the biggest heavy hitters in the party today. in this hour alone, new hampshire senator kelly ayotte and house budget committee paul ryan also expected to speak. yesterday we heard from party leaders that spoke about the future. they didn't really hold back any punches. look at some of that from yesterday, at cpac. >> the premise from the left is clear. they think economic growth depends on a huge, bloated federal government that just keeps growing. that's ridiculous. >> people who disagree on all sorts of things in the real world work together all the time on things they do agree on and there has to be a movement in america for people who believe in limited government, constitutional principles and a free enterprise system and that should be us. >> the gop of old has grown stale and moss-covered. >> our party is enqum pered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. the new gop will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. [cheers and applause]
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martha: big response yesterday to rand paul and others. rick perry also got a very positive response from the crowd. we'll bring you highlights as they come in. we'll keep an eye on it. mitch mcconnell is speaking now. more coming up on cpac in a little while. bill: house speaker john boehner meanwhile ratcheting down fears of a government shutdown going back against some in his party to defund president obama's health care law as part of a key government spending bill. >> our goal here is cut spending. it's not to shut down the government. i believe that trying to put obamacare on this vehicle risks shutting down the government. that's not what our goal is. our goal here is to reduce spending. bill: there is clearly disagreement on that front. assuming the senate passes the spending measure the house will have to take it up by the end of the march, march 27th, 12 days from now. that is the day the government's current budget authority will expire. six minutes past the hour.
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martha: market is on a tear lately, right? it reached another milestone in the bull market recording the 10th straight day of gains on thursday. that is the longist winning streak since november of 1996. very impressive in terms of new highs reached. let's bring in fox business network's charles payne with his thoughts on this. how significant is this run, charles? >> it is extraordinarily significant, in a sense to your point one for the record books so far. there are only couple days left. 13 is in a row is the record, unless you count on 1890s when they used to trade on saturdays. what you see now is virtuous cycle, any economic data that comes out is better than expected and getting better, and yesterday it was initial jobless claims, they went down a little bit, that stuff is magnified even more so than normal. martha: talk to me a little bit the banks. we remember when the feds put in place the stress tests. they were going around to look at the big banks and
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they would let the banks know how strong they thought they were by their measures. how is that going? >> they had the winners. all of them won except one or two. allied bank came up a little short and bb&t. here is the thing. the stress test is nuts, if the market drops 50%, if housing prices drop 20%, if banks lose $500 billion. martha: that is pretty stressful that is stressful. these things will be cool. they will not need our money. they will breeze this this thing. on the flipside immediately after the results were announced the banks said let's party. they're rewarding themselves. big-time. bank of america, bank of america, you know how deep they were into the american public? over $10 billion they're buying bank and paying dividends. i'm not mad at the banks per se. it is their money they karn do with what they want but i don't get it. when they need money always comes out of our pockets. when they have money it always goes into their
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pockets, you know what i mean? people watching should understand --. martha: worked out pretty well. if you were a banker you would do the same thing. >> i would do the same thing. i fault the government for always bailing them out. here is a big deal, stress test and all the other stuff aside, they're bigger now than they were before and risk is greater than it was before. keep that in mind. martha: that is a great point but are they lending, charles? they're only lending a little. they say there is not demand. they have a lot of excuses. i have to tell you something, it does feel almost hurtful, forget about everything else, when they were in trouble by mistakes they made on their own, they were able to reach into our pockets to get money to be bailed out. now that they're flush first thing they do is reward themselves. you don't fault banks per se, you fault the government for allowing this to happen but at what point does main street get a bank? martha: great point, charles. we'll see if it is 11th up day for the dow. bill: what do they say.
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banks are where they make money. martha: that is why they get robbed. >> right on. there are rough seas yet again for folks on yet another cruise ship. how this turned into a bit of a nightmare for them. martha: it is more than six months now since the deadly terrorist attack that was carried out at our u.s. consulate in benghazi. >> inside the main residence the attackers come in here and they ransacked the place and then they go for the locked gate. they look inside. it is dark. they can't see anything. and then they tried the lock. they can't open it up. inside, agent uben has a gun trained on them ready to shoot if need be. martha: that was short time after the attack that greg palkot got in there to give us an incredible look what happened from the inside. now we may be a little bit closer to learning what happened. big news in the benghazi story coming up. bill: so too is this story, martha. waiting the first hearing on the hill for the american pastor jailed in one of iran's most notorious prisons. we'll talk to another key player taking part in that
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hearing today. >> i expect our country to be a leader and take every step possible to defend saeed who is an american citizen. his religious freedom and to be a voice and a lied are in defending religious freedoms. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you h heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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martha: breaking news now. this just crossing on the u.s. economy. the gas prices have spiked. the u.s. consumer price index up .7 of a percent. this is the highest level that we've seen in gas prices in more than three years. so a really big jump we have watched. think about the impact on that on people's pockets. the money going into the gas tank and not going other places, that is the biggest jump we've seen in three years. bill: four bucks plus in new york. martha: yeah. bill: so the wife of a jailed american pastor in iran heading to the hill today. this is the first hearing we will see on this topic.
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the wife of said abedini will testify in front of a house hearing. she hopes the obama administration will put more pressure on iran for holding her husband. he is being held for practicing his faith in that country. we have the chair of the u.s. commission on international religious freedom. she is set to testify at the hearing today. doctor, we're honored to have you on today and good morning. >> thanks, i'm delighted. bill: what could come from this hearing do you think? >> well, congressional hearings have the ability to shine a bright spotlight, to put pressure on the iranians but our own government to step up need for more attention. bill: why do you think our government has not done that? >> well, i think while both the administration and the state department have spoken out in january about pastor abedini's case, the reality, too often human rights concerns, religious freedom concerns get somewhat pushed
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to the side of press of other very urgent business. so it's the job of brave women like pastor bed bed abedini's wife to make sure this issue is not pushed to the side. bill: she will be there today and she has been with us many times on our program. she has shown a lot of bravery, frankly, fighting on behalf of her husband but the state department had a chance to lend its voice to this hearing today and it passed. why? >> you know, i obviously can't speak on behalf of the state department. the u.s. commission on international religious freedom which i chair is a completely independent, bipartisan government entity but i do think it was a missed opportunity and i hope that the state department will engage more forcefully on this issue. it really does matter. it really makes a difference when our government at the highest levels puts an issue like the case of pastor
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abedini front and center and we have seen that being done by our counter parts in the european union. so i hope that this hearing is just the first step in raising the profile of this case. bill: but you know you don't want the europeans to be leading a cause that the americans should be doing on behalf of an american citizen there. now he is being held in one of the more notorious prisons in the entire country. he has family in iran. they have visited him from time to time. they say he is suffering from internal bleeding because he has been tortured at the prison. about a month ago we spoke to a woman in canada. she is persian by birth. she spent time in this prison. this is how she described the treatment there. have a listen from february. >> it is a place where you dissolve in pain. i forgot my name. i forgot who i was. in that space there is nothing but pain. you're reduced to something that you don't even know what it is. i forgot how to count. i wanted to. i couldn't. i couldn't think.
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bill: you listen to her story and it is so gripping an i'm sure you're familiar with this prison, are you not? >> well, the prison is notorious as is the judge who sentenced pastor abedini, he is known as one of the hanging judges. look, iran is a brutal society. this is one of the most egregious violators of human rights in the world today and particularly religious freedom rights for the christian community but also for the about ahai faith, for jews, other religious minorities, including muslim religious minorities in iran. that's why both the state department and our commission designated iran with the worst possible designation as a country of particular concern in our respective annual reports. this is a place that behaves in that way towards the religious minorities and other activists on past of democracy and freedom because they are fundamentally unstable. societies like iran --. bill: they're getting away
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with it, doctor. >> well, you know it is our job to make sure they don't getaway with it. we saw a huge uptick in this sort of religious persecution following the contested elections in 2009. we have other elections coming up now in june. bill: okay. >> iran is a country that seems to be getting away with it but internally there is great instability and great opposition to this brutal regime. bill: we will hear gnawing ma testify today. we appreciate your time. katrina swett. we'll watch the hearing from here. thank you. martha? martha: another vacation cut short. thousands of people stuck on another cruise ship. the plan to get them home and what they're being promised by carnival. we'll till you about that. bill: stay on dry land. tempers flaring on the hill. what caused two law makers to get so worked up. >> i'm not a sixth grader. senator i've been on the committee 20 years. i studied constitution
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[♪...] bill: think you had a rough commute this morning? check it out. a load of lumber dumped on the road. that is going to stop a whole lot of folks. overturned tractor-trailer causing major delays in new jersey outside of new york city. like lincoln logs. like scattered toothpick. >> glad i wasn't behind that this morning. a lot of folks were. feel for them. not a pretty sight. bill: wouldn't want to deal with that on any day. martha: let's go to heated debate on capitol hill. it happened when they were talking about the assault weapons ban. the debate got very heated when senator ted cruz challenged feinstein, senator dianne feinstein on the bill's constitutionality. and watch this. >> the second amendment and bill of rights provides that
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the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. the question i would pose to the senior senator from california is, would she deem it consistent with the bill of rights for congress to engage in the same endeavor that we are contemplating doing with the second amendment in the context of the first or fourth amendment? >> i'm not a sixth grader. senator, i've been on this committee for 20 years. it is fine you want to lecture me on the constitution. i appreciate it. just know i've been here for a long time. i have passed on a number of bills. i studied the constitution myself. i am reasonably well-educated. and i thank you for the lecture. incidentally, this does prohibit, you used word prohibit. it exempts 2271 weapons. is that enough for the people in the united states. >> mr. chairman? >> do you need a ba seaaca? do they need other
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high-powered weapons that military people use to kill in closed combat? i don't think so. i come from a different place than you do. i respect your views. i ask you to respect my views. >> nobody doubts her sincerity or her passion. and yet at the same time i would note she chose not to answer the question that i asked. which is, in her judgment would it be consistent with the constitution for congress to specify which books are permitted and which books are not and to use the specific -- >> the answer is obvious? no. martha: very interesting back and forth there between the new senator, ted cruz and a veteran senator dianne feinstein. the assault weapons ban, that they are discussing is now heading to the senate floor and it would also include high-capacity magazines. that is going to be interesting to watch. bill: very sensitive issue. we'll see whether or not congress can move on this and to what degree. cruz is the freshman senator from texas.
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martha: yep. bill: he is getting a lot of attention already in washington. martha: he is very outspoken and stuck to everything he would say he would stick to in his campaign. bill: the thing i remember ted chris audition on stage in tampa at the republican convention. podium lowered and teleprompter went away an worked the stage like a preacher. martha: he did. bill: that left quite an impression down there. martha: he continues to. we'll see how it goes. bill: there are new signs that tsa rethink its approach on airline safety. what the agency is now considering that will affect you the next time you travel. martha: major developments concern asking the terror attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. why we could soon be learning a little bit more about what happened there that night. >> we don't honor those people. we don't mention their names. it is like it is a dark hole. i think we're now at a point now there is a cover-up. it is clear this is a cover-up. nexium, the purple pill,
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bill: we are watching the cpac convention taking place outside of washington, d.c. in suburban maryland. this is senator kelly ayotte now on the stage. she is just a number of headliners that you will see throughout the day. donald trump was on stage earlier. so was senator mitch mcconnell. paul ryan will folliclely ayotte. this coming a day after you had rand paul and marco rubio. both men with a warm reception, shall we say,
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talking about the state of the republican party and also more importantly, the future of the republican party, especially when it came to marco rubio. also this morning you will get wayne lapierre, from the national rifle association which will go hand in hand what we were talking about with ted cruz and the dianne feinstein dust-up a moment ago. here is kelly ayotte on the continued vexing issue on libya, benghazi and the questions that persist there. >> let me tell you about some of the things that keep me up at night. too many americans are out of work. federal regulations are strangling businesses. obamacare is increasing health care costs and stopping so many of those businesses from hiring. and i come from a small business family. i know what that's like. how hard the small businesses work. we have a broken tax code
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[applause] and the president and senate democrats, they just want to keep increasing taxes, making it harder and harder, for our small businesses to hire and grow and put people to work in this country. our nation is drowning in debt. we have had four straight years of trillion dollar deficits. we're a trillion dollars in hock to china. bill: she has talked about those issues a lot. i guess the libya portion was saved for another time. if you go through that, i mean, these are a lot of the issues we talked about for a couple years now and how we get ourselves out of that that she just mentioned there and how we find a better way forward are some of the hottest topics in
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washington. martha: it is interesting. kelly ayotte has been a rising star in the party. she was considered as a possible vice-presidential partner for mitt romney. she clearly has aligned herself with the mccain-graham camp. she took the spot of joe lieberman. one. three musketeers of a lot of issues of concern to them. she is is an interesting one to watch. we will keep an eye on her as we head closer to the 2016. let's get back to the benghazi story because there are very big developments in this story. a witness or a suspect, not sure which, just yet is in custody and being questioned now in connection to that deadly terrorist attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi on september 11th. this comes after six months of investigation after these four americans were brutally killed on that awful night including our own u.s. ambassador chris stevens. my next guest is demanding answers on this and access to the survivors of the attack. that is one of the big issues right now of the why
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can't we speak to them to find out what they knew. joined from cpac by utah congressman, jason chaffetz, member of the house oversight and government reform committee. good to have you here, congressman. good morning to you. >> good morning. martha: it is interesting. we're learning about a man who has been detained being questioned by the fbi. his name is perhaps chalabi. we know, let's pull up the map of the area, this is hotbed of terrorism where he is from. it is to the east of libya. he clearly has been involved with terrorist groups in the past including possible acap. what do you think about the arrest whether he saw what happened or whether he was actually involved? >> this is a very positive development t has been more than six months. i was very concerned at the beginning of this investigation because you had journalists going in there, getting ambassador
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stevens's diary before the fbi was able to get on the ground weeks after which makes the trail very cold. hopefully, i'm just reading news reports. it is a very positive development. eastern libya is where the ref -- revolution started. it is a very volatile area. based on news reports he was very involved in these militias and hopefully this is positive development because we need to bring some people to justice. martha: you've been on this a long time. let's bring people back to that night. we have our report from greg palkot which came, came during the period you're talking about actually, when the fbi wasn't on the ground yet and journalists were able to get into the house and get a look what happened. let's see some of that. >> diplomatic security agent working in the tactical operations center immediately activated of the imminent dank are notification system. he also alerted the quick reaction security team stationed nearby. the libyan 17th february brigade, embassy in tripoli and the diplomatic security
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command center in washington. >> around 10:00 p.m. a surveillance drone begins to hover over the consulate and beams back live pictures to washington. back here in the main residence the special agent, reportedly david ubin comes here and gets ambassador stevens from his bedroom and brings him along with sean smith to the room in the safe haven. aside for medicine and other supplies, a big, dark windowless closet. then, outside, a locked gate. hoped for security. you bin radios others as to his whereabouts. the scene at the compound is erupting in gunfire and explosions. martha: what a frightening sequence of events. when you go back to that night and listen to it, think about the fact that he asked for more security and was denied. that extra security but there are people that know what happened. 33 people were evacuated from there. three of them were diplomatic security that are injured. we think that secretary of state john kerry may have spoken with one of them or perhaps hillary clinton visited at walter reed and
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spoke to one of them but you want to be able to question them as well and you're considering a subpoena, right congressman? >> well, the challenge here is you had people that were interviewed immediately after the events there in libya. we know there were also interviews done in germany. we have not been able to see those, that paperwork. we have seen nothing from the accountability review board which is an internal review that was done. we have not been able to speak with the actual accountability review board members. the state department has not given us the names of those people that were attacked. that were there, that have first-hand knowledge of this information. they have given us zero documents. only allowed what is called in camera review where we can look at documents as they look over our shoulder. they have given us eight tranches of those in the last couple weeks. martha: congressman chaffetz, sorry to interrupt. why are they so concerned? they claim they have nothing to hide yet they're so concerned about letting you be part of that process and
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seeing how, what's going on? >> they're totally disregarding the history of the house of representatives of the united states congress. we have the power, we are coequal branch of government. we should be given this information. i'm not going to let go of it. we've been so patient. you're leadership, chairman issa, speaker boehner, are so polite about this. you know what? comes to a point where you are left with no other choices. we have to get to the bottom of this and i'm not going to let go of it. martha: are these people, the evacuees and people who are wounded, one of them seriously so with a blow to the head according to the reports that i read, have they been told that they are not allowed to speak to anybody who wants to question them? >> well, we haven't been speaking with them. i don't know. i mean i was told by, i do know of one person, and i was able to speak with his father and his father said, yes, this person is at the bethesda naval hospital but you won't be able to find him because the state
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department changed his name on all the records. and that is just, what? like seriously. that's, that's just beyond what this country is all about. it makes no sense. it sends off a lot of flashing red lights. it is totally contrary what the president has said, totally contrary. martha: a lot of noise behind you. a lot of enthusiasm at cpac. congressman chaffetz, thank you very much. it's an important story. you've stayed on it and we will continue to as well. thank you, sir. bill: kelly ayotte and then paul ryan at cpac moments away. a world famous festival getting underway and our alicia acuna got a good gig too. she is covering it all streaming live in valencia, spain. what is happening behind you? >> reporter: hi, bill. behind me you can see this giant structure. it is called a fia. the festival here is called las fallas. a festival of flowers, fireworks and flames. what this is behind me
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actually something to honor the patron saint of carpeters. and it is made out of wood and papier-mache. there are about 300 all over valencia. what this is, this is basically a rite of spring. this is how though welcome in spring. it is a among-long festival leading up to the beginning of spring. they have competitions for just about everything here, including the fayas you just saw. they take the best one and save part of it into a museum. the others, bill, this is quite amazing, especially when you consider how beautiful they are, at the end of the festival which will be about a week from now, they burn them, all 300 of them to represent the end of the old and rebirth of something new. bill: what events will happen over the next few days, alicia? >> reporter: over the next few days they will have
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fireworks. and we actually just had one of the fireworks, displays that happen here at 2:00 every single day. it is incredibly loud. i was told it was loud. i couldn't believe my ears because we were standing just right over it. they will have paya contests, lucky, right? they will that as well, bill. bill: well-done, alicia. take pictures. see you soon. >> reporter: thank you. martha: brand new video into fox that shows a very different side of a murder suspect as she was being questioned by police. wait until you see this. this is the first time this has been shown on fox. you know who that is? that is jody arias. that is what she was doing in between the questioning. there is more where that came from. you will see it here only. bill: why the administration is beefing up the missile defense system on the american west coast. we'll explain this threat next. [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes?
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just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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martha: well the boeing 787 dreamliner which has been much in the news could start flying again in a few weeks we're told. it had battery problems t was grounded by the faa and the battery fire that happened there even left a dreamliner parked in boston at one point. there was also an overheated battery on another plane in japan that led to an emergency landing there and we're told it will be weeks before they --. bill: in about-face now the administration is stepping up our missile defense system on the american west coast. that move comes only days after north korea threaten ad preemptive nuclear strike on the u.s. the decision to deploy 14 additional ground-based interceptor missiles along the west coast, a plan first proposed by the bush white house. rye tired u.s. marine
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lieutenant colonel bill cowan, fox news military analyst as well. lieutenant, good morning. >> glad to be with you. bill:. bill: you as well. what does it say about north korea's capability or maybe the concern we have about what they have done with their own technology? >> well, you know, bill, i don't think anybody believes at this point the north korea is capable of sending any nuclear weapons across the ocean to hit us but nonetheless we know they're moving forward aggressively with a plan they hope will give them the ability to achieve that. not only nuclear weapon but some long range ballistic missiles they're working on to drop any kind of a weapon on the united states will cause a lot of problems for whoever the administration may be. so we're trying to get our defenses in order, in order to be able, excuse me, bill to counter any threat they may come up with. bill: we have interceptors in place in different parts of the west coast including alaska. >> we do. bill: this would ramp up the number. when you see the headline,
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what is the u.s. intelligence seeing now that we did not see before? you're at cpac so there an audience behind you. let me show the viewers at home the area here. china, russia, south korea and japan off to the east. just past ten days, advance one time, 1953 and the armistice and the 38th parallel. if it is true, lieutenant, north korea could fire a long-range missile, you look at the animation here and interceptors theoretically to enact the interception 3,000 miles off the west coast of the united states. but if you're going from 30 to 44, what does that tell you about north korea's threat? >> well, somewhere along the line we're perceiving a threat to be greater than it has been in the past, bill. i don't think anybody thinks in the near short term they will be able to hit the united states. remember we don't have hawaii on that map. i think hawaii would be, as
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pearl harbor illustrates would be a good attack point for them also. this is in terms of a long range capability to prepare our defenses. remember also, bill, china is the other nuclear armed nation over there. we have good relationships with china right now. we don't think they are about to fire any missiles at us but things can change overnight and we always need to be concerned also about china's capability. we're putting together a long range capability. bill: it is my understanding this idea was proposed years ago in the last administration. why did the current administration back away from that? >> well, bill, honestly let's look at it. we have 30 of these sites already active right now. when you looked at the threat this administration looked at and said at that time the north koreans did not have long rage missiles. they weren't prepared to put a nuclear weapon on. i think it was probably a reasonable decision not to go ahead and deploy the additional 14 sites the bush administration called for. given what is going on in north korea and europe, there is intelligence we the
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public don't know about. we're making a move probably most prudent for our long-term safety. bill: one more question here. anchorage is 3700 miles from pongyang. you mentioned hop lulu, hawaii. the state of hawaii, 4500 miles. is it true that north korea right now has the ability to reach either place? >> i don't think that they fired any long-range missiles yet that have worked. we know they're working on them. they have periodic tests of long-range missiles. most of the tests have gone awry. fact of the matter at some point they will have a missile that can make that distance. that's when we have real concern, not just for a nuclear weapon but any kind of weapon. bill: bill cowan, outside the state of washington, i'm sorry, state of maryland today. thanks for your time. what's next, martha? martha: the tsa says there is very good reason to allow items like these back on to our airplanes. does it signal a big change coming in airline security? very interesting development. that's coming up next.
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>> it is the judgment of many security experts worldwide which i agree with, that a small pocketknife simply will not result in the catastrophic failure of an aircraft. improvised explosive device will.
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martha: signs today that tsa may be starting to overhaul their security plan of action. the head of the agency suggested that identifying people who pose a threat instead of focusing on objects would ultimately be a better way to handle security. that is a pretty big change of mo. civil rights advocates are questioning that strategy. they always have. aaron cohen joins me, national security expert trained in israel's el al airline style of security measures including
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predictive behavioral profiling which is a of great interest here. aaron. welcome. great to have you back on the show. good morning. >> thanks for having me. good morning. martha: so first of all the reason he was testifying, john pistol lee, the head of tsa because of backlash over the idea it is okay to let small knives, pocketknives, that kind of thing and sports equipment, golf clubs and the like back on planes. what do you think about that? >> i think it is a mistake. i think that allowing a blade that is, you know, the size of your hand is a weapon. it can be used as a weapon. i think right now that's a feel good measure being put in place in order to ease the pressure and anxiety of traveling. my biggest concern, or the big picture or the big frame concern for me is the fact that there really is no total safety focus on the airport security system right now. which means, look, let's be honest the transportation safety administration right now being focusing on bag screening in my opinion and in the opinion of many
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security experts in this country is nothing more than a federalized low end security company and it is about time that security experts come out and start talking about this. here's the reason why. the screeners are basically trained in 100 hours of training which is focused on nothing more than looking for items, which hasn't proven that it can prevent a terror attack. when the real threat or what we need to be looking at, which is already been perfected. let me say this, by no means are israelis best at anything, but when it comes to security, the security wheel has been perfected in israel the focus is on let's look for the terrorists. it doesn't define a certain skin color or certain race. it defines a behavior. that behavior being, and we believe, is to look for intense. somebody who is going to commit an act of murder will have the same questionable behavior as somebody who just has committed an act of murder. john pistole, former head of
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the fbi is very highly trained in this. what we need to get the tsa training that they need, or to get them out of there and let private companies come in and take the thing over and start saving us $8 billion we're wasting a year. martha: thank you. so, i was just getting to that. $8 billion a year and you claim that this huge sort of, you know, it is like an octopus of tentacles and arms you have to go through to get on a plane these days is for nothing? >> well, it is not for nothing but the problem is, that the focus right now is we're looking for very specific things, weapons, which we're not letting back on a plane which doesn't make sense to me. we're need to focus on total safety which means we have under cover surveillance and detection in place, physical people undercover. we need to make sure we're conducting interviews. here's the difference. focus in israel, there was one terrorist attack in 1968. the last one on a plane. the focus to train the human brain to conduct interviews.
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it is the best machine. get away from technology and use it in conjunction with a properly trained security agent. martha: i have to go. aaron, thank you. you made great points. i hope you come back. >> thanks for having me. martha: we'll be right back after this.
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martha: so for the very first time now president obama has set a timeline when he thinks iran could have a nuclear weapon. welcome to a brand new hour now of "america's newsroom", everybody. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning to you. good morning to you as well, martha. first time we've heard this. the president says he thinks iran is only one year or more away from developing a nuclear weapon. israeli leaders have a timeline that puts iran in the nuclear club a lot sooner that an that, possibly by even this spring. martha: who is right? that is the big question right now. doug mckelway live from the white house. doug, two very different interpretations where iran is right now in their race towards a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: that's right,
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martha. that is the at very heart of the discussions president obama will have with prime minister netanyahu in when they meet for discussions next wednesday. both sides obviously agree iran is well on its way to have a nuclear weapon. they differ significantly on timing. here is president obama speaking to israel's channel 2 just yesterday. >> i think it would take over a year or so for iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon but, but obviously we don't want to cut it too close. and what we're going to be doing is to continue to engage internationally with iran, understanding that we set up the toughest sanctions ever. it is having a significant effect. >> reporter: but the u.s. definition of achieving a bomb also includes a delivery system for that bomb, whether it's a missile, an airplane or even a cargo ship. on the other hand, israel is drawing a very different line in the sand based on how much nuclear fuel iran has. they believe if iran is
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capable of constituting 240 kilograms of enriched-uranium, they're probably only just a couple of months away from having a bomb. in "the new york times" today they report netanyahu believes, and i'm quoting here, if iran is just a few screwdriver turns away from being able to construct a weapon it will have the same power in the region as if it actually had one. ironing out those difference will be a key okay jeb tiff as the talks get underway in israel next wednesday, martha. martha: another thing they will talk about the is sanctions that are supposed to be the toughest we ever had against iran. sanctions have not been successful in the past. israel has a idea whether or not they will work, right? >> reporter: you heard in the sound bite the president said they are the toughest sanctions imposed and said they are working. listen to what general james mattis son testified before the senate armed services committee on march 5th.
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listen up. >> the last question i have, in your professional opinion in the current diplomatic and efforts to stop iran from obtaining nuclear capability. are they working? >> no, sir. >> reporter: there you have it. mattis went on to say he is paid to take a very dim view of iran. israel agrees those sanctions are simply knot working. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that many times over the last several months. martha? martha: it will be interesting to watch the two of them together. between north korea and iran this president has a lot on his plate right now. thanks very much. bill: mattis is a tough marine. he has been around the block too. this is what we know about iran's nuclear timeline from the u.n. nuclear inspection specses. 2007, u.n. inspectors reported that iran has begun making nuclear fuel on industrial scale underground with 1300 centrifuges. 2011, four years after that a key nuclear power station
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went online in iran and connected to the national grid there. may of last year, u.n. nuclear inspectors found trace amounts uranium in the country, beyond the highest previously reported levels. that is last year in 2012. now 2013 this, event that is happening right now. top republican leaders, center stage now at the conservative political action conference known as cpac talking about their vision for america and their vision of the party. chief political correspondent carl cameron is there live. oxon hill, maryland. things were raucous 20 minutes ago. carl, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, bill. paul ryan, the 2012 republican vice-presidential nominee and chairman of house budget committee from janes vil, wisconsin, took the stage and the place pretty much went nuts. talked a lot about the budget. criticized democrats for not having a budget, touted his own. he said interestingly republican need to lead and talk to communities, i can particularly minority and
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low income communities and get out to talk to people, get out and engage rather than talking to themselves about talking to those communities. the chairman of the budget committee is eyeing presidential run for 2016. he does so as he released his new budget. here is a sample of this morning's rhetoric. >> we have a plan to pay off our debt. in fact we balance the budget in ten years without raising taxes! [applause] how do we do this? you know it's really pretty simple. we stop spending money we don't have. >> reporter: shocker. shocker. the gridlock in washington has definitely seeped across the potomac to the convention here of cpac in maryland. they are very much aware what is going on. there is a tremendous amount of frustration with the ongoing attempt by democrats to not balance the budget. they say they will reduce the overall deficit over the course of next decade. paul ryan and others say that is totally unacceptable.
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ryan, running for 2016 himself, been vice-presidential nominee, that raised his profile and a lot of national attention. house members have a hard time for running for president. it puts a big target on your back. paul ryan will deal with that in next 3 1/2 years. bill: a parlor game will be played out at the convention. it is a cpac straw poll. the significance of it and explain that and who will you hear from also today still, carl. >> reporter: the straw polls are not worth very much no matter when they take place. this one 3 1/2 years early even worth less than normal. the crowd around this time is like a presidential year. talk to a lot of cpac activists. the reason they're here they're looking at what direction the party is going to go and fight for share conservative principles and making sure as republicans they're talking about retooling and reforming. we'll hear from the rnc on its plan that conservative principles get subordinated in a overreaction. straw poll will tell people who they like.
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rand paul is big one. we'll hear hear from bobby jindal and rick santorum who ran in 2012 and thinking about running in 16 is part of the crowd. bill: carl cameron live in maryland. thank you, sir. martha: big lineup there. stuck at sea and now getting home by plane. another breakdown, a mechanical breakdown that has kept the carnival dream this time at a caribbean port. carnal -- carnival says they will fly thousands of vacationers home to make up for the problem. one visitor says it could be worse. >> when it first happened, like i said it noticed panic and frustration appeal wanting to get off the ship because they didn't know what was going on. they were nervous. in st. maarten, everybody i spoke to on the beach has been very happy. if we were out at sea, it would be a lot different. martha: pretty hard not to be happy on the beach in st.
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maarten, right? steve harrigan, i turned you into steve martin. steve harrigan just as funny as steve martin is live in miami. it feels like this is groundhog day with yet another carnival cruise ship. >> reporter: that's right, martha. we're working on programs about this carnival dream ship. just overnight there is another from with the carnival legend. it is making its way back to tampa very slowly after some engine trouble at just about 14 miles-an-hour. they do have power. passengers on board the legend will get $100 cred for their troubles. the dream as you mentioned is still stuck in st. maarten. passengers have been flying out since thursday. there was a problem with the backup generator. they intermittently lost power on elevators and bathrooms but power has been restored. the passengers on the dream will get a three-day credit and 50% off their next carnival cruise, martha. martha: boy, this has been a pr nightmare for carnival on top of what happened last
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month. is it taking a to on the industry, steve? >> reporter: certainly last month with the triumph was a much more major problem. that carnival strip was stranded out in the gulf of mexico for five days after a fire on board the engine but industry analysts say the cruise business is incredibly resilient and quarterly profits for carnival are up. martha: all right. steve, thank you very much. steve harrigan on cruise watch down there. thank you, sir. bill: harrigan has a great sense of humor though. maybe on halloween --. martha: steve martin, steve hair gain, st. maarten. bill: that would be pretty interesting booking. live to steve martin. in a moment here, martha, did she really say this? house minority leader nancy pelosi said the president has never done a thing in his life for political reasons. what do you think? we'll debate it. she is a murder suspect. her name is jodi arias and you have never seen her like this before.
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>> [singing] ♪ i wonder why i'm still here ♪. martha: that is what i would do about to be in trial on murder or being investigated for one, right? that is brand new video. gets more bizarre by the minute, folks. we'll show you the rest of that when we come back. bill: she likes yoga too. there is frantic search. a little boy is trapped in a raging river of foam. the amazing rescue of that little guy. >> we're happen to see walking over the bridge and noticed somebody down there was reaching into the foam. and they were holding onto somebody trying to pull him out. ♪
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martha: house minority leader nancy pelosi raising a lot of eyebrows anding laughs at the same time for saying she doesn't think president obama ever acted with politics in mind. >> i don't think he has ever done anything for political reasons. [laughter] but i don't, i think the
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point of his maoing that point was he didn't want other people to attribute any political motivation to what he was doing. but i think this has been a president who has been as bipartisan as any i have seen. martha: there you go. let's get reaction to that. here are good friends, bob beckel, former campaign manager and co-host of the five. mary cat thin ham, -- mary katharine ham and fox news contributor. most bipartisan president in history, bob? >> thank you for allowing me to come on this morning to respond to these comments. it has been very helpful. look, yeah, really. martha: helpful in what way, bob? >> are you kidding me? you could have pulled a thousand different things to debate, you pull that out? come on. fortunately, i think it was a till tongue-in-cheek. listen the idea of not being the most, i can't think of last real bipartisan president we've had.
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i think it is probably fair to say that virtually everything that any president does is political. i mean the very nature --. martha: i agree with you. i agree with you. he's a politician. i think that the fact that nancy pelosi, i think some people are amazed some of the stuff that she says. >> yes, including me. martha: i think that is why this one got a lot of attention. mary katherine, respond that that. we'll dig in deeper. >> i don't know why bob is complaining. why nothing a man miraculously elected president twice is not being political. she was being ridiculous and caught herself and laughed at the end as she should have. i point out one particular instance where he has been politically political on the gay marriage evolution. he was for gay marriage in a liberal senator from illinois and hyde park and wanted to run for 2004 and 8 and he decided he was
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against. he decided to get back donors and liberal base he was. >> gee, there is something different. >> not enough to help the north carolina vote. >> there is something different. a politician changing their mind on something. that is just, mind boggling. >> you have to note --. martha: let's peel back the onion here a little bit. what is at the heart of this and why so many people reacted to that comment that she made strongly is that when you look what is going on in washington right now, and you look at this budget battle, the president as he pointed out himself, he doesn't have to get elected again. he is done with that. this is golden opportunity for him to be less political. he can say, you know what? i will take on entitlements in a more serious manner. i will force democrats, who i work with, to come a little bit closer to the table than they have in the past. so the world is his oyster at the moment, bob, and he is not beholden to any specific group now. >> no. but what he is beholden to democrats up for re-election
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particularly in the senate. he has to pull them, in some cases screaming to the table on entitlement reform. i think he wants to do it. i think he has an idea how to do it. the problem is, i can't figure out how you get 60 votes on it to override a filibuster in the senate. so he has got, yes, this is a time he should be able to do these things. the problem is, he doesn't have the numbers to do it. martha: but, you know, can't he, mary katherine, as president work some of the presidential magic and say look? for example, we're probably not going to get the assault weapons ban but let's come to the table on entitlements in a way that may protect some of these programs for our kids and our grandkids, something, that bob, you know, i want mary katherine to jump in here, but right after that in the campaign was very much a concern of his. go ahead, mary katherine and then bob. >> i kind of hoped against hope he would. i wasn't real confident he would make that play for a legacy, sort of act on entitlements. i think it needs to be done. i think somewhere along the
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way he convinced himself his legacy was fine and he could sort of move on and not deal with that because i know that, sort of gives lip service to it but there's not a lot of actual work on it. frankly when it comes to convincing even democrats to do something they don't want to do such as passing a budget i congratulate them finally doing on four years, he wasn't even willing to ask them to do that. putting risky ideas down on paper is not his forte and something he wouldn't ask them to do. martha: if he could take on entitlements and protect them for generations to come isn't there nothing stronger to build as legacy issue? >> that's exactly right. in his other than way he understands that. he did open up the issue about entitlements during the state of the union speech. now what he needs to do is sit down and come up with specifics. how you rearrange the formulas. maybe increasing age limits. martha: he said he is totally opposed to means testings or raising age
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limit which are two areas, most americans look at that and say, gee can't we come across the aisle on these two things? >> he is reflecting the problem he has got in the senate, martha. i think he needs to bring them along. martha: what do you mean? >> he has people up for re-election it two years in the senate who do not want to touch entitlements anyway. martha: people who live in the district unless they're under, if 56, if they're over 56 they don't have anything to worry about in these proposals? easy thing to say. tougher thing to campaign on. always has been. one of the things about my party we made that the third rail of politics for a long time. we scared the hell out of people on entitlements. i'm first to admit it. i used to do it in many can pains. i got people so scared my mother used to say, taking away social security. vote democrat on tuesday and you have it back on wednesday. martha: you're killing me. the underbelly of politics. paul ryan said that to his mom, mary katherine. don't worry, mom, it will not affect you.
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>> it is unfortunate very effective to do that tactic and unfortunately for our country that does not make entitlement reform easy. i appreciate people like paul ryan putting ideas down on paper. if the president wanted to get democrats on board he could work to do that. >> not on ryan plan he couldn't. not on ryan plan. >> he does not need to be political and may be able to encourage some of his senate democrats to come along with him. >> i love to see it. martha: mary katherine, thank you. bob, always a pleasure. >> thanks. bill: bob, thanks for taking truth serum this morning. >> i appreciate that. >> who it it in his oj? >> thanks for the invitation again. martha: good to see you, buddy. anytime. bill: major security change by the administration, against the threat of north korea. this is big switch in foreign policy. we'll examine that in a moment. remember the president saying this. >> my last election, yeah, after my election i have more flexibility. yeah.
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[inaudible] bill: question, are we more vulnerable now because of it or not? we'll analyze. martha: big question this morning. plus this video. you've got to see this. jodi arias doing some yoga moves while being questioned in a very strong way over the murder which she has now admitted to, of her boyfriend. that is what she was able to do while that was going on. we'll show you the rest of this tape when we come back. >> your makeup, jodi. gosh.
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martha: big issue, background checks for gun buyers is up for debate today in colorado. it's the latest change that lawmakers are considering
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for tougher gun laws after the deadly aurora theater shooting that happened there last summer. 12 people died in that shooting. 58 were injured. bill: she is on trial accused of murder but jodi arias has never been seen publicly like this before. in the video you're watching, more that you're about to see, a detective rather just left the room after interviewing here her about the killing of her ex-boyfriend. adam housley live in l.a. with more on this and the pictures. adam, good morning. >> reporter: good morning bill. 18 days of salacious, tedious and gruesome testimony wasn't enough to watch, this video obtained by fox news, back in 2008, as you mentioned during the interview process on the day she would be arrested for the killing of her boyfriend travis alexander the here is jodi arias unplugged. it's the jodi arias you haven't seen. just minutes before being
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booked, arias caught on video, more worried about her makeup than being charged with the grizzly murder of her boyfriend, travis alexander. a far cry from her interrogation just 15 minutes earlier. >> i'm there. how many times was travis stabbed? >> reporter: after lying to police four hours about the killing, jodi finally begins to sing, literally. about what else? memory. ironic lyrics given her many memory lapses during trial. >> i don't remember. things get foggy after that point. >> reporter: what comes next is the most bizarre behavior yet, she shot him 27 times. slit him from ear to ear in self-defense. a glimpse in the mind of
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jodi arias. who is now dead serious that a jury should believe her story and spare her life. some of that, activity, you're seeing there, shown up on the stand. not as bizarre as doing a handstand but there is question from jurors. bill as we watch the trial. 18 days of her on the stand, jurors unlike most states, arizona is one that allows jurors to ask questions, they are very skeptical about her story. they had hundreds of questions what she was saying. as you can see from the video, it really began from the beginning. bill: thank you, adam housley on that story from l.a. first time we've seen her like this. >> reporter: absolutely. bill: when you consider she has been on the stand 18 dice, that's a long, long time for any trial, for any defendant. so --. martha: seems so detached from what happened. to see somebody like that? in either case, if you did it or you didn't do it and your boyfriend has been stabbed and murdered to be able to be that relaxed and
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singing and doing head stands is bizarre. but the whole story is bizarre. bill: moments before she was booked as adam pointed out. tonight, greta has one hour special on this trial that captured all of america. you see it only on fox news channel. 10:00 p.m. eastern time with greta. martha: here is a big development today. a major court order has come down. it says the founder of domino's pizza does not have to pay for contraception coverage to employees. this is a big blow potentially to obamacare. why the administration will be very concerned about this judge's decision. bill: also, florida senator marco rubio, that's not that man. martha: that is who it is. bill: that is tucker carlson. rubio is making some waves among conservatives. we'll talk with another powerful republican senator about the party's plans for america's future. >> millions of people all over the world are emerging from poverty. millions of people all over the world are emerging from
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>> this will take more than dinner dates and phone calls. it will take the president and senate democrats rolling up their sleeves, making tough choices. >> the senate democrat budget is more than disappointing, it's extreme, extreme. martha: chris wallace joins me now anchor of "fox news sunday." good morning, good to see you. >> reporter: good to be with you, martha. martha: the president has been criticized since the beginning of his presidency for not spending enough time rolling up his sleeves and leading and talking with members of congress. he made a very converted, obvious effort to do just that this week. how did it go? >> reporter: you know, in the sense of charm, in the charm offensive it went fine. he's a very inch gra inch gray see eight yeah guy, there is only so much charm can accomplish. you saw the basic republican
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plan, the house republican budget written by paul ryan and out by him that the house is going to pass. and you saw for the first time in four years a democratic budget put out by the head of the democratic budget committee, patti murphy. the democratic plan is $4.6 billion and it's in cuts, cuts to discretionary programs, changes, cuts to entitlements like medicaid and the democrat plan less than a trillion dollars in cuts and a trillion dollars in tax increases. unless they are able to bridge the divide. one thing that is helpful is the fact that are going to be budgets. the senate is probably going to pass the democratic plan, the republicans the house plan and they'll have to get together in conference committee the old fashioned way, which is called regular order and see if they can workout a deal. i've got to say at this point there doesn't seem to be much of the basis for the deal
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presidential charm notwithstanding. martha: it seems there are two ways this can go. the president can speak to democrats and say look i think there are a couple of areas here where we can talk, perhaps we can consider raising the age on some of these entitlements, or means testing which they've been opposed to in the past and go back to republicans and say, look if i can get this from these guys are you interested in closing loopholes that will bring in more revenue, or he can stand back and let them go on as we just watched on the floor and say, look, i tried but those republicans, there is just no way they going to give in. >> reporter: well, you know, i agree with you. i think that the regular order, the idea that you're going to get the senate democrats and the house republicans together in a room and they are all going to make a deal together, i think that is highly unlikely. your first idea, which is u know, that he basically says, i can deliver the democrats on this. and can you deliver the republicans on that, that's really what all the bargaining has been about between biden,
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and mcconnell and john boehner for the last two years and they aren't been able to take a deal. i see no indication that, you know, they are going to be able to bridge this divide. i'd love to be wrong, because i think it would be good for the country if they did do it and if everybody kind of would tighten their belt, shared sacrifice and we saw everybody give a little, like the bowles-simpson commission called for, but that was two years ago, two and a half years ago and we are still nowhere. i see no indication this it's going to change in the next few months. martha: nothing like selling a house or car eventually you have to meet in the middle on those deals. >> reporter: and every other endeavor in the world yo you finally make a deal. here is the only place you don't make a deal. we'll make a deal on sunday because we will have dick durbin the number two democrat in the senate and bob corker one of the top republicans on budget and economic issues, maybe they'll
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be able to make a deal. we'll call it the "fox news sunday" compromise. martha: we'll see. thanks, chris, we'll be watching. >> reporter: i wouldn't bet on it either. martha: maybe we'll sell a car to them overt weekend. bill: you've got a better chance with bob barker. florida senator marco rubio already taking the stage and look at america's future. >> now as soon as i'm done speaking i'll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one he drank too much water. [laughter] >> number two that he didn't offer any new ideas. and there is thet. we don't need a new idea. there is an idea, the idea is called america. and it still works. [cheers and applause] bill: huge applause there. utah republican senator mike lee just got back from cpac, he's with us. how are you doing, senator, and good morning. that line there from rubio, let me get it here again okay.
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we don't need a new idea, the idea is america and it still works. you spoke also. what was your message, about reframing the discussion about a centralized government. >> my message was that individuals and voluntarily associations can help care for people much better than government can. we can take care of ourselves and others much better without the brood be omni prepbs of assent ra liesed government dictating how we live our lives from washington d.c. that's the message of what we call civil society, the fact that families and individuals working with voluntary associations and religious groups can do a great job if government will stay out of way. bill: what you're saying is take the discussion away from the focus on government and putting it on what, the family, and the community and selfreliance. >> precisely. those are the things who have made america great. we are great as americans not because of who we are, but because of what we do. government can't create these voluntarily associations.
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government can't require that we do all these things. but if government stays out of the way these things can happen. if government gets too big, it can weaken these voluntary associations that have brought so much prosperity to america. bill: when you were at cpac yesterday how much discussion is there reflecting on the election of 2012 versus the reflex on whareflection of what is coming up in the future and how the republican party needs to strategize. >> a lot of people are sad and upset about what happened in 2012 and they are also acknowledging that we've got to retool, prepare better, communicate our message better. that's part of why it's so important. what we are asking americans is to prosper p. we are asking them inviting them to join us in this move toward prosperity, the kind of prosperity that the conservative message promises, that it enables. because big government kills economic growth, it kills jobs, and we want americans to prosper, and the best way to do that is to limit the size and scope and reach of government.
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bill: just throw it down a bit more for me. i think this goes to what rubio was saying. is it rip up the game plan and start again? >> no, it's not that at all. it's go become to the basics. it's go back to what it is that we believe as conservatives, why it is that we are conservatives. the kwr-rdz no kwr-rdz not new but the messages needs to go back to the basic principles and why we believe them. we want individuals to pros tere, we want america to continue to be successful. one of the reasons why we succeed less than we could is we've allowed our government to become too big an expensive. bill: how is that message received? >> it's received srefplt i think we all understand these things as conservatives. sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day rhetoric that we use that we sometimes forget why it is that we are conservatives. it all thaos do with prosperity, peace and strength as a country. bill: thank you for your time.
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mike lea republican from utah, he delivered his big speech yesterday. thank you, sir. martha: there is news that the pentagon is raplg u ramping up security on the west coast because of a recent threat from north korea. what does this say about the president's foreign policy? when you look at north korea, when you look at iran, we're going to talk about this coming up. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. thankfully e-trade has low cost investments and no hidden fees.
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martha: there is a big change in our u.s. missile defense posture and it's thanks to the threats that are coming from north korea. fox news has learned that the military under the direction of the defendant of defense and the president has decided that what we need to do is add 14 more missile intercept tores in alaskan california. this is a huge move ain't comes just weeks after the nuclear-armed country issued new threats against the american homeland. why is all this changing with regard to north korea? steven yates form per deputy
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assistant to vice president dick cheney for national affairs. good to have you here today. when the president took office he decided to change our missile defense posture in these areas, in alaskan california, to knock the number from 44, which is what the bush administration had in plans down to 30, believing that this area was not really a threat and we should focus our energies elsewhere now they are saying maybe that wasn't a good idea. >> right it seems very clear it was a miscalculation. i think some of us at the time sensed it was. what they misdiagnosed, was the nature of what was happening in the region, in terms of what a heavily sanctioned country, determined to acquire these capabilities would be able to do. i think it was also driven by a broader ideology that was ow opposed to missile defense. perhaps missile defense has now bipartisan support. martha: i was immediately
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reminded of our posture in eastern european it raises the question about the administration. has there foreign policy made us somewhat more vulnerable, that is one of the questions that i want to ask you, and sort of what has the reaction of world powers been to that? >> right, i think that the example of flexibility already given towards russia early in the administration of pulling back on our commitment to missile offense in eastern europe was a similar miscalculation. it was not news welcomed by eastern european our allies, it was a signal that was also felt by our east asian allies, if we are weak evening our commitment in one theatre it affects people's calculus in another. the idea of reset ago relationship with russia didn't pan out in terms of the reality of their assistance and mitigating the threat. martha: not at all. >> and sheparding a new way forward in north korea, areas where they are involved. martha: i want to play this sound byte once again. all of this goes to our missile defense, and it's a posture that
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the bush administration had in place as a deterrent to say look this is what we have out there, so don't waste your time building stuff that we can intercept anywhere to put it very simply. here is president obama talking to dmitry medvedev about his discussions with vladimir putin on missile defense. >> after my rehrebgs i have more flexibility, yeah. >> i understand. [inaudible] >> what do you believe was happening there? and how does that play into our discussions? >> it remains a stunning display, because you would think by watching it the most powerful person in that conversation is actually the man who wasn't prefplt you had our president demonstrating weakness to another leader who would convey the messages to vladimir putin. and so i think that that signal of weakness has not made us safer. it is important that the administration does recognize that they need to change course. unfortunately the power of the
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personality of the president, whether they thought it was negative in george bush and positive in president obama is not changing the actions of these hardened leaders. hopefully there is a more sober reality in calibrating our approach going forward. martha: do you think there is a direct connection between that move in eastern european the aggressiveness of north korea? >> well, the way they've come together is that the threats from iran and north korea on missiles and nuclear are linked. they are part of the same proliferation network and the same great powers enable them. when we show weakness to those great powers they see opportunity but also rogues are not deterred. when you see russia with a freer hand there is less pressure on these other targets of sanctions because their enablers will help them weather the sanctions. martha: we've had very little cooperation from russia in china, in syria or in iran for that matter. steven yates thank you so much. always good to talk to you. bill: very interesting when he says about missile defense. the president is going to israel
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next week. and you saw the last conflict with gaza how successful israel's defense shield was. martha: absolutely. bill: jon scott rolls your way in 12 minutes but now he is with us. how are you doing, jon? jon: i'm doing well and it's friday, bill. how about this. a bipartisan push in the senate to get something done, that is pretty rare, main here they want to build the keystone pipeline. we will talk to the two principles about what they hope to accomplish. also if you could ask the president's spokesman anything you wanted, what would you ask? we'll find out when jenna speaks to jay carney. also, big speakers up today at the cpac conference. we'll keep an eye on that. more of that bizarre videotape of jodi arias alone in an interview room. why does neither side intend to introduce it in court. our legal panel on that. 40 years of the ten most wanted list, a look back at what it's accomplished for the fbi, coming up. bill: see you, jon. nice job on the bike by the way. jon: thank you. bill: have a good weekend.
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jon: you too. bill: there are no tours at the white house. we are getting word of an event that will happen for members of congress and their families. cue the easter bunny. they'll tell you what that is about. a judge striking a blow on obama care. a new ruling on what some people feel is the no, sir controversial part of that law. we'll explain only three minutes away. zap technology. departure. hertz gold plus rewards also offers ereturn-- our fastest way to return your car. just note your mileage and zap ! you're outta there ! we'll e-mail your receipt in a flash, too. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. earning loads of points.
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martha: the white house has taken a tremendous amount of flack for canceling the public tours. the word is out they will indeed continue the easter egg rolls. these are the decisions getting made during the sequester. this is the picture of the president in the 2012 easter egg
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roll. they said members of congress and their families are invited to have some fun on the south lawn and roll the easter egg. that's in, tours are out. we're keeping a tally. bill: if you're working on the hill come on down. poor kids can stay at home. is this the next big blow to care red flag. they say they don't have to offer contraception to employees. doug burn is with us in the studio. let's be careful about this. >> sure. bill: the lawsuit has not been entirely settled, correct? >> they went for what is called a temporary restraining order a very short term remedy which says this will not be implemented pending the outcome. the next step which we lawyers know, preliminary injunction, simple english the obama administration is enjoined from forcing them to provide this coverage until the lawsuit is decided. your point an excellent one, it
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has not been decided. bill: the court has found that the healthcare law could impact free exercise of religion. >> yes. bill: i find that significant. >> by the way i wanted to explain that when you are weighing a preliminary injunction one of the factors you look at is the likelihood that the person is going to prevail in the case. so that's why you actually get into an analysis of what we lawyers call the merits of the claim. and basically they are saying that, look, you have a right to free exercise of religion. what is interesting, by the way, bill is the opinion is 20 pages. the first ten pages of it is whether a corporation has that right. bill: why is that significant? >> not significance but unusual. they sued in the name of the corporation as opposed to individuals. i was just surprised that 50% of this opinion is whether or not a soer corporation has free exercise rights. i think that is significant because in a lot of case you're talking universities, hospitals, et cetera and it's not the individual. it's an interesting issue. bill: even in a size this.
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the government said this is part of the law to improve public health. >> yes, that's the key thing. bill: what is the court's position on that? does it agree or not. >> in constitutional analysis real simple. we have instances where you weigh it on what you call a rational basis. you can't stand near a construction site is that rational. of course it is. then you have what's called heightened scrutiny or compelling interest and the courts will weigh this on that standard, bill and the government says it's a compelling interest to promote and preserve public health, but this judge disagreed and said, wait a minute, that is overridden by the religious freedom rights. bill: we await a final decision that will likely come from the u.s. supreme court. martha: there is a split around the country and it's going to go to the supreme court. bill: thank you, doug. doug burns near new york. martha: an action to move ahead with the keystone pipeline, is that plan now on the fast track? and why would that be happening now? we'll talk about it when we come back in "america's newsroom." ip.
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